For Healthcare Professionals

Do you frequently refer your patients to Yoga and Meditation?

Yoga practice is on this rise, but so are injuries… not all Yoga practices are safe for everyone! Learn how referring to a Certified Yoga Therapist is a safer option for your patients than just sending them to a one size fits all Yoga class. 
  • Yoga was the most commonly used complementary health approach among U.S. adults in 2012 (9.5%) and 2017 (14.3%), according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
  • More people are taking up yoga as research shows yoga can help people with a wide range of physical and mental health conditions, including low-back pain, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, MS, anxiety, depression, and trauma. 
  • A 2016 study found that most people practiced yoga for general wellness or disease prevention (78.4%), to improve energy (66.1%), or to improve immune function (49.7%).
    • Back pain (19.7%), stress (6.4%), and arthritis (6.4%) were the main specific health problems cited for practicing yoga. But with the increase in yoga has come an increase in injuries.
    • Hospital visits increased 80% over 7 years, one study found.
  • A review of nine studies of yoga practitioners in the United States, Australia, Japan, and China found that the number of adverse events during a yoga class was 22.7%, and lifetime prevalence of adverse events ranged from 21.3% to 61.8% of practitioners.
    • The same review found the most common adverse events involved the musculoskeletal system and the most common injuries were sprains and strains, and, though only occurring in only 1.9% of practitioners, serious injuries and even death have been reported.
      To learn more, fill out the form below to receive the White Paper courtesy of Yoga for Better Health.
Francesca Michelle Gold

Francesca Michelle Gold is a Certified Clinical Yoga Therapist through Loyola Marymount University and the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She has her Master of Arts in Yoga Studies. She’s been teaching for over 13 years and works to align her inner reality and value system with how she shows up in the world.

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