Join me in *retreat*.

Each year, I host a handful of retreats designed to get you into your body and inquiring into the nature of life and self. Join me for one or a few (:


  • Stay tuned for more!

  • November 8-10th 2024 (yoga + self-inquiry)

  • March 7-9, 2025 (silent retreat)



Are you interested in unfolding the mind and body through self inquiry? Do you want to approach self-inquiry from a more embodied place? These special dialogue and movement bsaed retreats might be just the place for you!


What People Are Saying about my retreats


“Francesca conducted yoga sessions and dialogues at Krishnamurti Retreat. It was a 3 day course and my experience was pretty awesome. Francesca is an expert yoga trainer for all levels. She used all the means at her disposal to provide the best experience for the participants of the retreat. She is an amazing host and I was really looking forward to her yoga class each day. She interacted personally with each participant to know their level of comfort and tailor yoga according to their convenience.”

— Vineeth C


“Thank you for hosting a wonderful yoga retreat weekend. We had a great time in Ojai and have been encouraging others to take your next retreat.”

— Shalimar and Julio

“What an incredible weekend! The beauty of the retreat center and grounds, the sweet yoga and deep dialogs plus delicious food served with love and simple lodgings were exactly what I needed. I highly recommend anything Francesca offers but this retreat is not to be missed.”

— Samantha Jones


“I want to thank you for the weekend and especially the “reintroduction” back to yoga for me. I can only do so much with stretching at home and this weekend has made me realize how much a classroom environment is beneficial. I drove home (4.5 hours – the yoga we did yesterday afternoon was great for that) and, after a shower, I dropped to the floor and practiced some of the poses we did. I like seeing my body become more flexible, even after just a short weekend of yoga. I want to explore even further. I enjoyed my first visit to the KFA and the weekend activities overall. Thanks again for making it a pleasant experience.”

— Nic

Embarking on a 3 day silent meditation retreat was the ideal stepping stone for my first silent retreat. The Krishnamurti Retreat Center has been a special place to me for years, and participating in this retreat only amplified my respect for the work being done there.The experience was nourishing in every way, thanks to the attentive and caring staff, delicious meals, the stunning and peaceful grounds, and the guidance of our excellent facilitator, Francesca. She held a warm, open, and trusting space to be in. I highly recommend this retreat to anyone interested in deepening their meditation practice, exploring Krishnamurti’s teachings, or simply enjoying the therapeutic benefits of nature.
— Huyen Nguyen

I’ve had deep and lifelong contact with the work of J. Krishnamurti and lived at the Krishnamurti Foundation in Ojai for a year in 2012. My curiosity about myself and quest for truth led me to visit five of the Krishnamurti retreat centers in India where I lived off and on for two years. I’ve facilitated over 40 retreats at the KFA over the past decade. These weekends are opportunities to examine Krishnamurti’s work through a refreshed lens as one engages the body, brings the full self into the group inquiry, and attends to all aspects of self. These programs are not about somehow understanding Krishnamurti more deeply through the practice of yoga or embodiment. Instead, this weekend is about utilizing various practices to become more aware of ones body and deepen a relationship with it. When the body is tuned into, there is a quality of awareness and attentiveness that is brought to the inquiry. This kind of attention can bring about a unique sense of openness and connection to oneself and others.

  • -Opportunity to turn one’s attention inward

    -Yoga with a trained yoga therapist

    -Locally sourced vegetarian meals

    - My teaching style is methodical, intuitive, and somatic in nature. Expect to be pointed inward again and again toward practices rooted in direct observation, compassion, and meditation. Together, we explore the coordination of movement with breath to bring attention to the subtle movements of the body, breath, and mind.

    -We listen to and read Krishnamurti on subjects such as sensitivity, relationship, meditation, intelligence, and transformation; we sit together in dialogue to explore these subjects.

    Join us for three days of movement practices, dialogue, short periods of silence, time in nature, and delicious vegetarian meals!

  • -3-4 yoga classes

    -2X/day group dialogue





    -Personal Time

  • These retreats are a good fit if you:

    -find it interesting to explore your inner world within the context of dialoguing with others

    -have interest in self-inquiry

    -are a beginner yogi or seasoned practitioner. Classes are therapeutic and address all parts of a person, therefore, physical ability level doesn’t matter

    -are brand new to dialogue or are familiar with the approach. We all meet one another in a fresh way where we are at within the context of each dialogue

    -Anybody interested in exploring this topic in depth

    -Anybody willing to ask the fundamental human questions from direct perception rather than theory

    -Students who would like to deepen their self-awareness and question their life paths

    -Those willing to think for themselves, observing relationship as it reveals itself


Reach out if you’re curious about attending!

Sign ups are through The Krishnamurti Foundation of America website.