A place to discover

Francesca Michelle Gold Francesca Michelle Gold

Khichari Recipe

Khichari Recipe ~

~ also known as khichuri, khichri, or khichdi ~

What makes it khichdi? the rice and lentils. It balances all three doshas and is a great meal for any constitution; see variations below to adjust it according to your specific needs, budget, and area of the world.

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Francesca Michelle Gold Francesca Michelle Gold

Join me at Global Yoga Therapy Day 2021 -Bridging Yoga and Healthcare

Dharma traditions from around the world teach us that suffering is both inevitable and solvable. Yoga Sutra 2:16 states, “Heyam dukham anagatam: The suffering which is yet to come is to be avoided.” This Sutra begs the question: In what ways can a person educate themselves, and is it the sole responsibility of each individual (as opposed to society?), to not only prevent their future suffering (such as preventable lifestyle diseases), but also thrive in wellness and achieve optimum health? What is the definition of optimum health? Is thriving in wellness measurable? Why has it become the sole responsibility of the typical modern adult to manage and maintain their own health? What is the responsibility, if any, of one’s society to support the health of its individuals? How can a person, within the context of modern culture and lifestyle, responsibly and reasonably make a shift from merely surviving to a state of optimum health?

Meet Healthcare & Yoga Professionals Across the World, Join leaders in the field of yoga therapy sharing educational and experiential presentations. Network with other yoga, healthcare professionals and individuals interested in how yoga therapy supports better health and wellbeing.

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Francesca Michelle Gold Francesca Michelle Gold

Financing Options

My sessions are 60 minutes versus 5-15 minutes with other healthcare professionals.

Preventive care is actually pretty inexpensive compared to the costs of a hospital visit or traditional emergency care medicine.

You get to see me directly for the entire session as opposed to an aide or assistant.

Healthy habits like exercising regularly, eating well, and managing stress SAVE you money on healthcare costs in the long run.

I get to know you better and offer personalized sessions that large companies or group fitness facilities cannot provide.

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Francesca Michelle Gold Francesca Michelle Gold

For Healthcare Professionals

Do you frequently refer your patients to Yoga and Meditation?

Yoga practice is on this rise, but so are injuries… not all Yoga practices are safe for everyone! Learn how referring to a Certified Yoga Therapist is a safer option for your patients than just sending them to a one size fits all Yoga class.

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Francesca Michelle Gold Francesca Michelle Gold

About my Retreats + Past Examples

My Ojai Yoga and Self-Inquiry retreats are for anyone interested in exploring the intersections of modern-day postural Yoga, what embodiment, presence, and alignment mean in the context of relationship with oneself and others, and the ways in which self-inquiry might inform living a moral life. In retreat, you will have the opportunity to fully engage in Yoga and self-inquiry in a reflective and sharing atmosphere.

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Francesca Michelle Gold Francesca Michelle Gold

What is Yoga Therapy?

A Yoga Therapy session offers you a chance to sharpen your self-inquiry skills, develop compassion for yourself and your path, learn new ways to approach healing, and engage in preventative care.

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