Financing Options

Financing Options for Private Sessions

Presently, Yoga Therapists are not part of the insurance network (yet). However, there are IDC codes that your doctor can provide to you. I’m happy to communicate directly with your healthcare professionals to see if we can collaborate on your health plan and goals.

Sliding Scale/Need-Based: A limited number of sliding scale spots are offered for BIPOC, single mothers, and LGBTQIA+. Inquire if I’m accepting new sliding scale/need-based clients here.

Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA) Check with your employer’s Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA), administrator to see if your sessions qualify as a medical expense. Always keep good records and document all expenses.

Health Savings Account (HSA): If you’re self-employed and you have a Health Savings Account (HSA), it can be used to pay for any service Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). Check if you are eligible for an employer-funded Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA).

Insurance Reimbursement: Submit a superbill for insurance reimbursement. You will need to provide a CPT code by a licensed medical doctor. You will not be able to receive insurance reimbursement without this CPT code which I CANNOT provide for you. Please seek a diagnosis and obtain a prescription for therapeutic exercise from a supportive licensed medical professional (ask your doctor if they are willing to do this for you).

Why Should I Pay for Private Sessions?

  • Be smart: invest in your preventative health and well-being.

  • Learn to break down goals in manageable, practical steps.

  • Identify blind spots in your personal health, wellness, and movement regimen.

  • Receive ongoing support, education, resources, and go at your own pace.

  • Receive evidence-based, therapeutic services, and professional support catered to your unique needs.

  • By being proactive and empowering yourself, you are embracing health, instead of reacting to a diagnosis.

I like it… but, it’s expensive (psst… you actually end up saving money when you invest in preventative care)

  • My sessions are 60 minutes versus 5-15 minutes with other healthcare professionals.

  • Preventive care is actually pretty inexpensive compared to the costs of a hospital visit or traditional emergency care medicine.

  • You get to see me directly for the entire session as opposed to an aide or assistant.

  • Healthy habits like exercising regularly, eating well, and managing stress SAVE you money on healthcare costs in the long run.

  • I get to know you better and offer personalized sessions that large companies or group fitness facilities cannot provide.

Francesca Michelle Gold

Francesca Michelle Gold is a Certified Clinical Yoga Therapist through Loyola Marymount University and the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She has her Master of Arts in Yoga Studies. She’s been teaching for over 13 years and works to align her inner reality and value system with how she shows up in the world.

Join me at Global Yoga Therapy Day 2021 -Bridging Yoga and Healthcare


For Healthcare Professionals