Unlock your potential

Take a chance to discover the big, wide world out there: begin by connecting *within*

Whether through one of my signature courses, a yoga therapy session, a private roller skating lesson, or an online class, together we focus on finding your roadmap into yourself so that you can step into the life you are meant to live.

Nice things people have said


You’ll know you’re aligned with your true self by the way it *feels*.


You want to know yourself better and take action toward your goals …

but maybe self-doubt or fear is holding you back.

You deserve to work with someone who understands you.


I’ve been there, too. Here’s how I Can Help:


Essence of You

My Signature Course

A course for people at a crossroads. Develop your sense of self, intuition, and trust.

Clinical Yoga Therapy

Private sessions designed for you

Receive world class care and feedback from a certified Yoga Therapist.

Skate Somatics

Find your flow

Unique and therapeutic somatic practices on and off skates: taught by a pro skater of over 30 years.


Trust Yourself

Embody Your Truth

Feel at Peace


Hi, I’m Francesca!

I’m a deeply feeling introvert who cares about connecting in meaningful ways.

I find joy in roller skating, my dog, and traveling (I’ve been to India, Ireland, Spain, and Norway ). My purpose in life is to show others how they can find their own way back to themselves and sharing my own insights along the way.


Once you know the way, you’ll never get lost again.

When you allow yourself to be vulnerable, real, and human, you’ll have the confidence to make decisions that align with your highest truth.