A place to discover

Francesca Michelle Gold Francesca Michelle Gold

For Healthcare Professionals

Do you frequently refer your patients to Yoga and Meditation?

Yoga practice is on this rise, but so are injuries… not all Yoga practices are safe for everyone! Learn how referring to a Certified Yoga Therapist is a safer option for your patients than just sending them to a one size fits all Yoga class.

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Francesca Michelle Gold Francesca Michelle Gold

About my Retreats + Past Examples

My Ojai Yoga and Self-Inquiry retreats are for anyone interested in exploring the intersections of modern-day postural Yoga, what embodiment, presence, and alignment mean in the context of relationship with oneself and others, and the ways in which self-inquiry might inform living a moral life. In retreat, you will have the opportunity to fully engage in Yoga and self-inquiry in a reflective and sharing atmosphere.

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